
Delivering innovation and leadership as our flagship site


Homebase for revolutionary thinking and inventive solutions

A hub for innovation and home to many firsts in our nation. Yet one of the widest wealth gaps in the country can be found here with families of color having few assets to invest in better opportunities for future generations. Our city thrives when all residents thrive. Along with our portfolio organizations we partner with the community to break down systems of inequity and build a stronger future for all Bostonians.


Investing in proven organizations to bring to Boston to address community-identified needs

We search the country to bring ground-breaking organizations that represent the best in their fields – in innovation, measurable results and ability to scale.

See All Organizations

The logo for LMF with a stick person holding two orange blocks over their head.
The Fountain Fund logo with black text and a green hand above with blue water spouting out.
The Child First logo with a blue swirl in the bottom right corner.
The WOW logo in purple and white with youth guidance lining the bottom.
The Per Scholas Logo in blue text with a blue graduation cap in the top left corner.
The BAM Logo in black and white with a youth guidance arrow in the bottom.
The CareMessage logo with a grey background and multi-colored thought bubbles interlocked with a heart in the middle.
The Child First logo with a blue swirl in the bottom right corner.
The New Teacher Center Logo with orange, purple, and tan block letters and three interlocking illustrations of faces.
College Advising Corps logo with purple and blue shapes overlapping.
The UpTogether logo in purple with trusting and investing in families below, while shapes in a line above, including a pink arrow, stick people, homes, and green arrows.
The YV LifeSet Logo with life in red and a red kite flying over top.
Peer Health Exchange logo.
The Raising a Reader Logo with pink rays of sun extending out above the text and Massachusetts in a pink block below.
The Friends of the Children logo with Generational Change, One Child at a Time below, with the I in friends and children displaying a 1.

Making an Impact in Boston

In 2023 – 2024


individuals reached


local staff working at portfolio organizations


in additional funding leveraged

“GreenLight is a powerful network of people who care about Boston and the next generation of organizations that are helping to build a better Boston.”

An image of individuals gathered together in front of a Per Scholas step and repeat banner holding a plaque in an office setting.
In Boston

is the hourly wage earned by 2023 Per Scholas graduates

Read the Story

In Boston

of youth are progressing to the next grade on time

Read the Story

An image of WOW women sitting in a circle laughing and wearing matching purple t-shirts inside a room.

of 2023-2024 program participants experienced fewer depressive symptoms

Read the Story

Boston Team & Partners

GreenLight Boston is made up of a diverse group of changemakers from across the community, working together for positive impact.

Blueprint Schools Network

Blueprint Schools Network



Child First

Child First

College Advising Corps

College Advising Corps

Friends of the Children

Friends of the Children

New Teacher Center

New Teacher Center

Peer Health Exchange

Peer Health Exchange

Per Scholas

Per Scholas

Raising A Reader

Raising A Reader

Single Stop USA

Single Stop USA

The Fountain Fund

The Fountain Fund

The Literacy Lab’s Leading Men Fellowship

The Literacy Lab’s Leading Men Fellowship



Youth Guidance – BAM

Youth Guidance – BAM

Youth Guidance – WOW

Youth Guidance – WOW

YV LifeSet

YV LifeSet

Delivering measurable results in Boston

We invest multiyear funding along with on-the-ground support to ensure portfolio organizations quickly take root in the local community and are positioned for growth, measurable impact and sustainability. We are proud to highlight the work, results and meaningful stories of our portfolio organizations locally.

Read our latest Impact Report

Child First
An image of moms and their children sitting and standing around the front steps of a home blowing bubbles from wands, representing ChildFirst.

Child First is implementing their model with local organizations serving the hardest-to-reach families, supporting positive outcomes through all stages of development.

Working on Womanhood (WOW)
An image of WOW women sitting in a circle laughing and wearing matching purple t-shirts inside a room.

WOW provided 215 young women of color with in-school, group-based mentoring and clinical support this past year, cultivating leadership, promoting mental health, and fostering social-emotional skills.

An image of young adults in suits standing in front of a projector screen, representing the Per Scholas Graduation.

Per Scholas creates real opportunities for hundreds of Boston area residents to build better lives for themselves and their families, create generational change for many, and diversify the tech sector for the better.

Making an impact in Boston

In 2023 – 2024


individuals reached


local staff working at portfolio organizations


in additional funding leveraged


Amber Black
A headshot of Amber Black with a nature background.

Amber Black

Associate Director, GreenLight Boston

Melissa Luna
A headshot of Melissa Luna with a nature background.

Melissa Luna

Vice President, Site Success & Executive Director, GreenLight Boston

Inika Vimal
A headshot of Inika Vimal with a nature background.

Inika Vimal

Program Associate, GreenLight Boston

Advisory Council

Jessica Ackerman


Irfan Alibhai

Burkehaven Family Foundation

Courtney Allessio

Catalant Technologies

Karley Ausiello

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Kelly Brawn

Life Science Cares

Darcy Brownell

Next Level Social Impact

Ayesha Cammaerts

The Boston Opportunity Agenda

Jessica Castro

Trefler Foundation

Rahn Dorsey

Eastern Bank Foundation

Gayané Ebling

Ebling Family Foundation

Eric Esteves

Boston Main Streets Foundation

Nicole Fontes


Elizabeth Foster

Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Philip Gager

Trinity Capital

Elsa Gomes Bondlow

Ripple Acts

Frankie Gonzalez


Andre Green


Amanda Hadad

Nadia Harden

New Commonwealth Fund

Bridget Kenneally


Lisa Krakoff

The Roger and Lisa Krakoff Foundation

Roger Krakoff

The Roger and Lisa Krakoff Foundation

Pamela Leins

The Boston Education Foundation

Brittney Macomber

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Natalie Martinez

Girls Inc. of Boston and Lynn

Kristin McSwain

City of Boston Office of Early Childhood

Katie Pakenham

Cambridge Innovation Center

Ed Powell

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

Ed Rocha

Rola Languages

Sally Sharp Lehman

Sharp Lehman Consulting, LLC.

Gary Smith

Christina Turner

Cambridge Community Foundation

Signature Investors

Henry Ancona

Bain Capital logo with a blue box with light blue and red triangles interlocked inside.
The Bank of America Logo with red and blue stripes positioned in a diamond shape over the text.

Steve and Deborah Barnes

blueconic logo with blue in blue letters.
100 years Boston Foundation Logo with a blue city skyline inside an orange block to the left of the text.

Michael and Lisa Bronner

Renuka Babu Brown

Katie and Paul Buttenwieser

The George and Marie Chabot Charitable Foundation

Comerica Bank Logo with curved blue stripes above it.

John and Stephanie Connaughton

deloitte logo with green period.

Jeff and Mary DiSandro

David and Sally Dornaus

Tom and Gayané Ebling

Paul English

Peter and Mary Ellen Rourke Falvey

Jeff Feingold

Fractyl Logo with a Red slanted F above it.
Goodwin Logo with orange G.
iHeart Media Logo with an antenna inside a red heart above it.

Steve and Lisa Jenks

Meeta Kapadia

The Kozin Family

Roger and Lisa Krakoff Foundation

Bill and Diana Ledingham

Becky and Mark Levin

Localytics Logo with orange thinking bubble above it with increasing graph shape inside.

The Lovett-Woodsum Foundation

Paul and Kristin Marcus

Jude and Francis McColgan

Peter and Cindy Neville

Nuance logo with green split N above it.
Optum Ventures Logo with black half v shape and orange circle.

Tim and Lynne Palmer

PWC Logo with orange, pink, and yellow graphic.

The Reeder Family

Retik Mello Foundation

Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel

Brett and Sarah Rome

Mark and Etta Rosen

MacKenzie Scott

Sonali Shah

Sigma Prime Ventures Logo.

John and Susan Simon

Brian and Stephanie Spector

United Way Massachusetts Logo.
U.S. Trust Bank of America logo.

David Verrill

V2 Communications Logo with V2 in a green box.

Caitlin Vorlicek

Wells Fargo Advisors logo with wells Fargo in a brown box.

Natalie Wright

Founding Seed Partners

Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee

Corporation for National and Community Service logo with three white stars with a blue background attached to white and red stripes.

Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust

The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Foundation

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Marianne and Ken Novack

Kimberly and James Pallotta

The Schnoor Family

The Tudor Foundation


GreenLight Boston: 20 Years of Impact, Partnership & Transformative Change
Play Video

20 Stories of Change

GreenLight Boston: 20 Years of Impact, Partnership & Transformative Change

Feb 6, 2025


GreenLight Fund Brings The Literacy Lab’s Leading Men Fellowship to Boston

Announcement, Press Release

GreenLight Fund Brings The Literacy Lab’s Leading Men Fellowship to Boston

Jan 15, 2025


Prioritizing Diverse Perspectives for Greater Impact: Engaging Deeply with Community
Feedback+Denver Conference announcement with an image of the Denver skyline.


Prioritizing Diverse Perspectives for Greater Impact: Engaging Deeply with Community

Jun 5, 2024

Boston, Greater Newark, Kansas City, National

For Boston residents returning from prison, a new fund aims to provide a financial lifeline
A headshot of Jay Vilar with a window in the background.

Media Mention

Boston Globe

For Boston residents returning from prison, a new fund aims to provide a financial lifeline

May 27, 2024


GreenLight Fund Names Ali Knight as Chief Executive Officer
A headshot of Ali Knight with a window in the background.

Announcement, News, Press Release

GreenLight Fund Names Ali Knight as Chief Executive Officer

Apr 16, 2024

Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, Greater Newark, Kansas City, National, Philadelphia, San Francisco Bay Area, Twin Cities

Rising to the Moment: College Advising Corps Navigates FAFSA Changes
College Advising Corps students gathered together on a glass staircase inside a building.


Rising to the Moment: College Advising Corps Navigates FAFSA Changes

Mar 26, 2024


New group coming to Boston will provide low-interest loans to people returning from prison
A headshot of Martize Tolbert inside a building with a small tree in the background.

Media Mention


New group coming to Boston will provide low-interest loans to people returning from prison

Dec 19, 2023


GreenLight Fund brings Fountain Fund to Boston to support citizens returning from incarceration
Fountain Fund staff sitting at a desk with a Client Partner discussing their loan, with an abstract painting hanging on the wall.

Media Mention, Press Release

MassNonprofit News

GreenLight Fund brings Fountain Fund to Boston to support citizens returning from incarceration

Dec 8, 2023


Join our work in Boston

We rely on champions and supporters who believe in the power and potential of community-driven change.