The power of second chances: Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)

Jul 31, 2023

Jalisa defied daily obstacles as a single parent and discovered her passion for leadership.

Jalisa Glenn entered Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) Charlotte as a participant in 2022. As a single parent, Jalisa faced daily barriers such as getting her son on the school bus while finding transportation for herself to make it to her CEO work crew on time. 

Her dedication, endurance, and persistent commitment identified her as a rising leader amongst the CEO team. Within three months, she earned a  promotion to Crew Coach, where she leads a crew of participants. 

Jalisa continues to overcome challenges through her weekly vocational engagement. Currently, Jalisa leads City 2 Crew and earns high praise from partners on her crew execution. Jalisa is the only female leading a CEO crew in the Southern Region. She takes pride in her opportunity to lead, her personal redemption in second chances and the power of possibilities to move forward.