Event, News

An Emerald Evening 2020 – Reimagined

Emerald Evening

Join us for GreenLight’s An Emerald Evening – this year as a virtual event.

GreenLight Fund Boston is proud to celebrate the impact and life-changing outcomes from our phenomenal 12 organizations in our portfolio. Join us and help us grow our impact in the region over the next four years. Now, more than ever, it is important to invest in our community, and reimagine how we can move forward together.

We are excited to bring the fun and celebration of the Emerald Evening you know to your homes, we hope you will attend!

To join the Zoom conference, click the link at 7:30pm on Thursday, December 3rd: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89779007682

Event Schedule

Inspirations + Community Voices

Remarks from Melissa Luna, GreenLight Fund Boston Executive Director

Hear from Our Portfolio Organizations and Participants

Remarks from John Simon, GreenLight Fund Co-Founder & Board Chair

Raffle Prizes Awarded

Gratitude + Good Night

Read the event program book here.

Presenting Sponsor

Tom & Gayane Ebling

Bank of America logo.

Brian & Stephanie Spector

Creative Ventures

Sigma Prime Ventures

John & Sue Simon


Gold Sponsor

Eileen McDonagh & Robert Davoli

Lynne & Tim Palmer

Goodwin Logo.

Silver Sponsor


Lisa & Michael Bronner

Deanna & Tony DiNovi

Fractyl logo.

Donna & Marc Kozin

Dianne & Bill Ledingham

Holly & Gary Mikula

Christine Olsen & Rob Small

Etta & Mark Rosen

Bronze Sponsor

Cindy & Peter Neville

Jennifer Miller Paci & Vic Paci

Strong Force Logo with three circular blue balls arranged in a triangle with silver rings layered on top.

Version 2.0 Communications