Julia beats the odds: Youth Villages LifeSet

May 25, 2023

Julia, who has struggled with anxiety throughout her life, found stability and gained confidence through the YV LifeSet program.

Julia has struggled with anxiety her entire life. In middle school, the signs and symptoms began to manifest physically and significantly impacted her life. 

After a series of hospitalizations, Julia was referred to YV LifeSet, a program of Youth Villages, and was determined to get her anxiety and depression under control. Her LifeSet specialist worked with Julia to manage her anxiety, supported  her to finish high school, helped her build confidence and taught her ways to stand up for herself.

Through LifeSet, Julia found stability in her life again and achieved one of her major goals, getting into college. Julia currently attends college in Massachusetts and is in the pre-med program at her school. With her newfound confidence, Julia spoke on a panel for a women’s leadership event – something she never thought would be possible with her level of anxiety. She is back at home with her family and has a job mentoring young adults with special needs. Read Julia’s full story here.