Sarah Courtney Haberberger

Executive Director, GreenLight Kansas City

Kansas City

Sarah Courtney Haberberger was named the founding Executive Director of GreenLight Fund Kansas City in December 2018. A lifelong resident of the Kansas City area, Sarah spent over a decade at the United Way of Kansas City, most recently as Senior Vice President, Performance and Innovation. Sarah’s broad experience at the United Way spans human resources, facilities, internal and external engagement, and major gifts. Throughout her time at United Way Sarah helped to design and launch a number of new initiatives and programs to encourage philanthropy and community engagement, including the Women’s Leadership Council (now Women’s United), Leadership Next, and the United Way Governance Academy, and received national recognition for her work as Co-Chair of United Way Select Cities, a national collaboration across United Ways.

Previously, Sarah interned at RAINN, a national sexual assault response organization, and served as both a victim’s advocate and as a part of the speaker’s bureau. Her work in the nonprofit sector began as a working college student, when she served as a site director for an after-school program.

Sarah is a passionate mentor, speaker and coach for current and aspiring nonprofit professionals. An avid volunteer, Sarah has contributed her time and talent with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, CASA, Veronica’s Voice and others.

Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Missouri-Columbia.