
Launched 2010

The UpTogether logo in purple with trusting and investing in families below, while shapes in a line above, including a pink arrow, stick people, homes, and green arrows.


UpTogether supports families on their journey toward economic security through access to connections, choice, and capital.

GreenLight brought UpTogether (formerly Family Independence Initiative) to Boston during the 2008 recession on the idea that social networks, community, and friendship are powerful anti-poverty tools.

UpTogether empowers families experiencing poverty by providing the resources, tools, and support they need to achieve their goals and build long-term economic stability. UpTogether operates on the belief that those who are most affected by poverty should be at the forefront of driving their own solutions. Fifty percent of families who join UpTogether while living below the federal poverty line now earn incomes above that line. 

UpTogether took root in Boston in 2010 and quickly established itself as the organization’s largest and most innovative site nationally. UpTogether Boston connects families to one another, providing them with the opportunity to support each other, hold each other accountable, and share resources, ideas, and advice. UpTogether has become a key player among its community-based peers, leveraging relationships and resources to bring new programs and approaches to the communities it serves. They have piloted new services for healthcare coverage and social change initiatives and have led the way in the use of data to improve operations and enhance their work.

  • Founder
    Maurice Miller
  • CEO
    Jesús Gerena
  • Partnership Director, East Coast
    Jessica Taubner
  • National Headquarters
    Oakland, CA
  • Website

UpTogether’s Impact in Boston

In 2023-24


individuals reached


increase in asset building compared to an 11% decline in the control group

An image of a mom holding her daughter wearing a pink glittery crown on her head.
In Boston

individuals reached by UpTogether in 2021-22

Read Johanny's Story

A young child and their father sitting at a table with a blue and white tablecloth and blue balloon, representing UpTogether.
In Boston

UpTogether Boston begins the Trust and Invest Collaborative study with families in Boston and Cambridge

Read the Story

Join our work in Boston

We rely on champions and supporters who believe in the power and potential of community-driven change.