
Launched 2019

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ParentChild+ envisions every child entering school ready to succeed because every parent has the knowledge and resources to build school readiness where it starts: the home.

ParentChild+ understands that each of the 1,800 days a child has from birth to the start of kindergarten is critical to their school readiness and success. Through their One-on-One and Home-Based Child Care models, ParentChild+ facilitates bi-weekly home visits from trained Early Learning Specialists (ELS) who share a community connection with families. ELS’s support parents in preparing their children for academic success by providing parental coaching, books and educational toys to enhance the child’s early literacy and cognitive development. 

GreenLight identified school readiness and social-emotional learning as key focus areas in 2019 and invested in bringing ParentChild+ to San Jose to make a real difference locally. 

ParentChild+ has documented longitudinal impact for families: children enter school as well or better prepared than their classmates and perform significantly better than their socio-economic peers on school readiness measures in kindergarten and first grade. By third grade, ParentChild+ graduates are reading and doing math on grade level and are 50% less likely to need special education services. ParentChild+ children graduate from high school at the rate of middle-class children nationally — 30% higher than their socio-economic peers. 

In the Bay, ParentChild+ has scaled to Gilroy and Morgan Hill, and are set to expand to Oakland and San Francisco. 

ParentChild+ Impact in the San Francisco Bay Area

In 2023-24


caregivers and families were served


of child participants graduated the program ready for school


of participants were connected to other needed services

In San Francisco Bay Area

ParentChild+ graduates perform 10 months above their chronological age. Elizabeth shares her experience.

Read the Story

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